Krish Services Group

Simplifying User Experience with AI

Simplifying User Experience with AI

In this webinar, our speakers have illustrated a futuristic AI-powered interface with ChatGPT at the center, surrounded by other AI tools and applications.

One of the powerful tools we utilize in our app is ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by Open AI. ChatGPT is at the core of our application, enabling us to provide an enhanced and intelligent user experience.

Our query model acts as a pivotal bridge, seamlessly handling app-level actions and transforming them into intelligible queries that can be effectively understood by other AI tools.

This sophisticated integration enables us to harness the collective power of various AI technologies, empowering us to achieve our targets and deliver exceptional results. By harmoniously combining the capabilities of our query model and other AI tools, we optimize the user experience, streamline processes, and drive towards our goals with precision and efficiency.


In this event, our AI experts provide insights on:

• A brief introduction to Open AI and its applications in transforming the healthcare industry.
• Real-world use cases showcasing the power of Open AI in enhancing user experiences.
• Leveraging Azure Open AI to build and train custom models based on pre-trained GPT models.

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